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Showing posts from August, 2013

Awesome Blog Design

After hours of hard  tedious work, I've finally created a blog layout that I think is pretty awesome. I still need to tweak the layout by adding some content to the sidebar, maybe creating a button/icon. and a coming up with a post signature to match the new design. BUT, in the meantime, I think what I've got is pretty awesome, and best of all - I did it myself! Of course, now I want to create more and more blog layouts. Designing the layout and header was a lot of fun. Working the new layout and header into the blog design so that it actually looks good, not so fun. So, I may make a few more so I'll be ready for all the upcoming seasonal holidays. But for now, I hope you like this one, because I'm done playing with HTML coding for awhile!

Radical Obedience

On Aug 4th, I began an online Bible study hosted by Proverbs 31 ministries. We are using the book " What Happens When Women Say Yes to God " by Lysa TerKeurst. This week, we've read Chapters 2 and 3 - Hearing God's Voice and When Obedience Becomes Radical. What is radical obedience? Radical is defined as "affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" and obedience is defined as "compliance with someone's wishes or orders or acknowledgment of their authority." So, radical obedience is compliance with God's wishes, in acknowledgement of His authority, in a far-reaching way that affects our fundamental nature. So, what does that look like in my life? This week, it looks like giving up a few of my favorite television programs. Doesn't seem too radical, huh? Well, nowhere does it say that radical obedience has to take the shape of selling your house and becoming a missionary in Africa or quittin...